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iRubric: IUtpa FA 2015 rubric

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IUtpa FA 2015 
Rubric Code: B4BXA
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Public Rubric
Subject: (General)  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Task 1
Planning for Instruction and Assessment
  Emerging Performance

1 pts

Proficient Performance

2 pts

Advanced Performance

3 pts

Rubric 1

Planning for Content Area Understandings

Emerging Performance

Plans focus solely on learning skills and procedures detached from larger concepts and higher order reasoning/problem solving skills OR plans support student learning of skills and procedures with vague connections to the higher order skills.

There are significant content inaccuracies that will lead to student misunderstandings.

Standards, objectives, and learning tasks and materials are not aligned with each other.
Proficient Performance

Plans for instruction build on each other to support student learning of concepts, skills, and procedures with clear connections to higher order reasoning/problem solving skills
Advanced Performance

Plans for instruction build on each other to support student learning of concepts, skills, and procedures. Clear and consistent connections to higher order reasoning/ problem solving skills are evident.

Candidate explains how s/he will use learning tasks and materials to lead students to make clear and consistent connections.
Rubric 2

Planning to Support Varied Student Learning Needs

Emerging Performance

There is little or no evidence of planned supports OR supports are loosely tied to learning objectives and/or the central focus of the learning segment. Candidate does NOT attend to students’ varied learning needs and/or requirements in IEPs/504 plans.
Proficient Performance

Planned supports are tied to learning objectives and the central focus with attention to the characteristics of the class as a whole.

Candidate attends to students’ varied learning needs and requirements in IEPs/504 plans.
Advanced Performance

Planned supports are tied to learning objectives and the central focus. Supports address the needs of specific individuals or groups with similar needs. Supports include specific strategies to identify and respond to students’ common errors and misunderstandings.

Candidate integrates knowledge of students’ background in addition to attends to students’ varied learning needs and requirements in IEPs/504 plans.
Rubric 3

Using Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching and Learning

Emerging Performance

Candidate’s justification of learning tasks is missing, represents a deficit view of students and their backgrounds, OR includes limited attention to students’ prior academic learning, varied learning needs or personal/cultural/ community assets.
Proficient Performance

Candidate justifies why learning tasks (or their adaptations) are appropriate using
• examples of students’ prior academic learning OR
• examples of personal/cultural/ community assets
• information from students’ IEPs/504 plans

Candidate makes superficial connections to research and/or theory as support for the plans.
Advanced Performance

Candidate justifies why learning tasks (or their adaptations) are appropriate using
• examples of students’ prior academic learning
• examples of varied learning needs
• examples of personal/cultural/ community assets
• examples of varied learning needs
• information from students’ IEPs/504 plans

Candidate’s justification is supported by principles from research and/or theory.
Rubric 4

Planning Assessments to Monitor and Support Student Learning

Emerging Performance

Assessments only provide evidence of students’ rote learning of skills and procedures OR limited evidence to monitor students’ learning of appropriate concepts, skills, and procedures with vague connections to higher order reasoning/problem solving skills during the learning segment.
Assessments are not aligned with the central focus and standards/objectives for the learning segment.
Assessment adaptations are not made for students’ varied learning needs and/or as required by IEPs/5
Proficient Performance

The assessments provide specific evidence to monitor students’ abilities to connect learned concepts, skills, and procedures with higher order reasoning/problem solving skills during the learning segment.
Assessment adaptations are made for students’ varied learning needs and/or required by IEP or 504 plans.
Advanced Performance

The assessments provide multiple forms of evidence to monitor students’ abilities to connect learned concepts, skills, and procedures with higher order reasoning/problem solving skills throughout the learning segment. The assessments are strategically designed to allow individuals and groups with specific needs to demonstrate their learning
Assessment adaptations for students’ varied learning needs and/or required by IEP or 504 plans are made.
Task 2
Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning
  Emerging Performance

1 pts

Proficient Performance

2 pts

Advanced Performance

3 pts

Rubric 5

Engaging Students in Learning

Emerging Performance

Candidate describes tasks that are vaguely or superficially related to the central focus. Learning tasks are primarily focused on rote learning of facts and procedures with little attention to higher order reasoning/problem solving skills.
Proficient Performance

Candidate describes specific examples of student engagement in learning tasks that address students’ abilities to connect learned concepts, skills, and procedures with higher order reasoning/problem solving skills.
Candidate provides links to:
• students’ prior academic learning to new learning,
• varied learning needs,
• personal, cultural, or community assets
Advanced Performance

Candidate describes specific examples of student engagement that deepen students understandings of how concepts, skills and procedure connect with higher order reasoning/problem solving skills.
Candidate provides comprehensive links to:
• students’ prior academic learning to new learning,
• varied learning needs,
• personal, cultural, or community assets
In addition, candidate prompts students to make such links.
Rubric 6

Deepening Student Learning

Emerging Performance

The candidate does most of the talking, OR primarily asks surface-level questions AND/OR evaluates student responses as correct or incorrect without reference to learning objectives and central focus.
Candidate responses include significant content inaccuracies that will lead to student misunderstandings.
Proficient Performance

Candidate elicits student responses that reflect the deepening of conceptual understanding, fluency of procedural skills, and/or problem solving skills relevant to the content area.
Advanced Performance

Candidate elicits and builds on students’ responses to develop conceptual understanding, fluency of procedural skills, and/or problem solving skills relevant to the content area.
Candidate facilitates interactions among students so they can evaluate their own abilities to build on their conceptual understanding, fluency of procedural skills, and/or problem solving skills relevant to the content area.
Rubric 7

Analyzing Teaching Effectiveness

Emerging Performance

Candidate suggests changes unrelated to evidence of student learning OR proposes changes that are focused primarily on improving directions for learning tasks or task/ behavior management.
Proficient Performance

Candidate proposes changes that address small and/or whole group learning needs related to the central focus.
Candidate makes superficial connections to research and/or theory.
Advanced Performance

Candidate proposes changes that address individual, small group and whole group learning needs related to the central focus.
Candidate makes connections to research and/or theory.
Task 3
Assessing Student Learning
  Emerging Performance

1 pts

Proficient Performance

2 pts

Advanced Performance

3 pts

Rubric 8

Analysis of Student Learning

Emerging Performance

The analysis is superficial OR not supported by either student work samples OR the summary of student learning OR focuses on student performance as right or wrong without reference to learning objectives.
The evaluation criteria, learning objectives, and/or analysis are not aligned with each other.
Proficient Performance

The analysis focuses on student performance and ways this aligned with learning outcomes. Analysis includes some differences in small group and whole class learning.
The evaluation criteria, learning objectives, and/or analysis are aligned with each other.
Advanced Performance

Analysis uses specific examples from work samples to demonstrate quantitative and qualitative patterns of student learning for the whole class, as well as individuals or groups, consistent with the summary.
The evaluation criteria, learning objectives, and/or analysis are aligned with each other.
Rubric 9

Providing Feedback to Guide Further Learning

Emerging Performance

Feedback is unrelated to the learning objectives, is inconsistent with the analysis of the students’ learning.
Superficially addresses errors OR strengths related to the learning objectives.
Feedback contains significant content inaccuracies or is inconsistently provided to focus students.
Proficient Performance

Feedback is accurate and primarily focuses on either errors OR strengths related to specific learning objectives, with some attention to the other.
Feedback is provided consistently for the focus students.
Advanced Performance

Feedback is accurate and addresses both strengths AND needs related to specific learning objectives. Candidate describes how s/he will guide focus students to use feedback to evaluate their own strengths and needs and uses a tone that is nurturing to individual growth.
Feedback is provided consistently for the focus students.
Rubric 10

Student Use of Feedback

Emerging Performance

Candidate provides limited or no feedback to inform student learning OR vague explanation for how focus students will use feedback to complete current or future assignments.
Proficient Performance

Candidate describes how focus students will use feedback (on their strengths and weaknesses) to revise their current work, as needed.
Advanced Performance

Candidate describes how s/he will support and guide focus students to use feedback (on their strengths and weaknesses) to deepen understanding/skills and broaden feedback beyond the current work sample.
Rubric 11

Using Assessment to Inform Instruction

Emerging Performance

Next steps do not follow from the analysis;
are not relevant to the standards and learning objectives assessed;
are not described in sufficient detail to understand them; or
focus on repeating instruction, pacing, or classroom management issues.
Proficient Performance

Next steps propose general support that improves student learning related to standards and learning objectives assessed.
Next steps address awareness of varied learning needs and IEPs/504 plans.
Advanced Performance

Next steps provide targeted support to individuals and groups to improve their learning relative to standards and learning objectives assessed.
Next steps address awareness of varied learning needs and IEPs/504 plans.
Next steps are justified with principles from research and/or theory.



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