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iRubric: CAC205 Project Rubric

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CAC205 Project Rubric 
Using text, perform the following: 1. Evaluate the student's knowledge of accounting cyle 2. Demonstrate the use of a computerized accounting system 3. Understand a complex accounting problem.
Rubric Code: E4B53
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Public Rubric
Subject: Accounting  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric CAC205 Project Rubric

20 pts


15 pts

Partially Proficient

10 pts


5 pts

No Submission

0 pts

Basic Setup

Follow instructions for editing sample company


Shows a well developed understanding of how to perfom a basic coromany setup, including changing basic company information and changing the chart of accounts. (May have 1-2 minor errors)

Shows a good understanding of the elements of how to perfom a basic coromany setup, including changing basic company information and changing the chart of accounts. (1-2 errors)
Partially Proficient

Shows a basic understanding of the elements of how to perfom a basic coromany setup, including changing basic company information and changing the chart of accounts. (3-4 errors)

Shows little to no understanding of the elements of how to perfom a basic coromany setup, including changing basic company information and changing the chart of accounts. (More than 4 errors)
No Submission

Project was not submitted.
Banking function

Relates to the Quickbooks tab (icon)


Shows a well developed understanding of the banking function and can perform deposits and prepare bank reconciliations. (May have 1-2 minor errors)

Shows a good understanding of the banking function and can perform deposits and prepare bank reconciliations. (1-2 errors)
Partially Proficient

Shows a basic understanding of the banking function and can perform deposits and prepare bank reconciliations. (3-4 errors)

Shows little to no understanding of the banking function and can perform deposits and prepare bank reconciliations. (More than 4 errors)
No Submission

Project was not submitted.
Vendor function

Relates to the Quickbooks tab (icon)


Shows a well developed understanding of the vendor function including creating vendor invoices and checks. (May have 1-2 minor errors)

Shows a good understanding of the vendor function including creating vendor invoices and checks. (1-2 errors)
Partially Proficient

Shows a basic understanding of the vendor function including creating vendor invoices and checks. (3-4 errors)

Shows little to no understanding of the vendor function including creating vendor invoices and checks. (More than 4 errors)
No Submission

Project was not submitted.
Sales function

Relates to the Quickbooks tab (icon)


Shows a well-developed understanding of the customer and sales function including adding a company, adding a job and creating a sales invoice. (May have 1-2 minor errors)

Shows a good understanding of the customer and sales function including adding a company, adding a job and creating a sales invoice. (1-2 errors)
Partially Proficient

Shows a basic understanding of the customer and sales function including adding a company, adding a job and creating a sales invoice. (3-4 errors)

Shows little to no understanding of the customer and sales function including adding a company, adding a job and creating a sales invoice. (More than 4 errors)
No Submission

Project was not submitted.
Payroll function

Relates to the Quickbooks tab (icon)


Shows a well-developed understanding of the payroll function including issuing payroll checks, recording time sheets, and adding employees. (May have 1-2 minor errors)

Shows a good understanding of the payroll function including issuing payroll checks, recording time sheets, and adding employees. (1-2 errors)
Partially Proficient

Shows a basic understanding of the payroll function including issuing payroll checks, recording time sheets, and adding employees. (3-4 errors)

Shows little to no understanding of the payroll function including issuing payroll checks, recording time sheets, and adding employees. (More than 4 errors)
No Submission

Project was not submitted.



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