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iRubric: HRSM Final Exam Rubric

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HRSM Final Exam Rubric 
Final exam rubric for undergraduate students in the Hospitality and Tourism majors.
Rubric Code: G4BC6
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Subject: Vocational  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Standard Assessment Rubric
  Advanced (90-100)

1 pts

Competent (80-89)

2 pts

Emerging (70-79)

3 pts

Beginning/Not Demonstrated (<69)

4 pts

Critical Thinking/Problem Solving/Line of Reasoning
4 pts

Critical Thinking/Problem Solving/Line of Reasoning

Advanced (90-100)

• Articulate Problem: States issue/problem clearly and comprehensively.

• Evidence: Demonstrates a convincing interpretation/
evaluation to develop a comprehensive analysis or synthesis of information from outside sources.

• Propose Solutions: Utilizes relevant data analysis, theory, and best practice frameworks to propose solution(s).

• Evaluate and Conclude: Evaluates several compelling solutions/recommendations including conclusions, implications, or consequences.
Competent (80-89)

• Articulate Problem: States issues/problems so that the understanding is not seriously impeded by omissions.

• Evidence: Develops a detailed analysis or synthesis using outside sources needing further elaboration.

• Propose Solutions: Utilizes relevant data analysis, theory, and best practice frameworks to propose one or more solutions, but misses an opportunity to demonstrate comprehension of the problem and follow from the evidence provided. Evaluate and Conclude: Adequately evaluates identified solutions, but misses logical conclusions, implications, or consequences based on the presented evidence.
Emerging (70-79)

• Articulate Problem: States issue/problem but description does not recognize the complexity

• Evidence: Outside information’s interpretation/
evaluation does not develop a detailed analysis or synthesis.

• Propose Solutions: Presents limited evidence of data analysis, theory, and best practice frameworks to propose a solution that is “off the shelf” rather than specifically designed to address the specific problem.

• Evaluate and Conclude: Solution evaluation is brief. Identifies and discusses conclusions that use some, but not all the evidence considered.
Beginning/Not Demonstrated (<69)

• Articulate Problem: Issue/problem is not stated or misidentified.

• Evidence: Information presented does not come from a peer or editorially reviewed outside source.

• Propose Solutions: Proposes a solution that contradicts the evidence provided or is vague or only indirectly addresses the issue/problem. Does not data analysis, theory and best practice frameworks to propose solution(s).

• Evaluate and Conclude: Solution evaluation is superficial. Fails to draw conclusions based on the evaluation or draws conclusions that contradict the evidence or context.
Connection to Discipline/Content Area
4 pts

Connection to Discipline/Content Area

Advanced (90-100)

• Demonstrates understanding of fundamental nuances of the discipline/content area
Competent (80-89)

• Demonstrates above average understanding of fundamental nuances of the discipline/content area
Emerging (70-79)

• Demonstrates limited understanding of the fundamental nuances of the discipline/content area
Beginning/Not Demonstrated (<69)

• Unable to convincingly express fundamental nuances appropriate to a specific discipline/content area
Demonstration of Management and Leadership Abilities
4 pts

Demonstration of Management and Leadership Abilities

Advanced (90-100)

• Student fosters cooperative relationships among others, actively listens to diverse points of view, and treats others with respect.

• Prompts communication within group about what team should be capable of accomplishing and provides appropriate feedback to peers

• Completes and submits paperwork in a timely manner
Competent (80-89)

• Student works reasonably well with others in the group to establish a goal for guiding the actions of self and group.

• Responds to initial communication within group about what team should be capable of accomplishing

• Less than 75% of time completes paperwork in a timely manner at an acceptable level
Emerging (70-79)

• Works acceptably well with others in the group to establish a goal for guiding the actions of self and group.

• Communicates with other group members only when necessary

• Less than 50% of time completes paperwork in a timely manner, however content is not at the expected level
Beginning/Not Demonstrated (<69)

• Works poorly with others in the group to establish a goal for guiding the actions of self and group.

• Uncommunicative with group and is an inactive participant.
Disruptive to the teams’ success

• Fails to complete paperwork
Effective and Integrated Communication/Oral Communication
4 pts

Effective and Integrated Communication/Oral Communication

Advanced (90-100)

• Speaker’s voice enhances the effectiveness of the presentation. Pace of the presentation maintains the interest of the audience. Language in presentation is appropriate to audience. Delivery is natural, not scripted.
• Delivery techniques (posture, gestures and eye contact) make the presentation compelling, and speaker appears polished and confident.
• Central message is compelling (precisely stated, appropriately repeated, memorable, and strongly supported.)
Competent (80-89)

• Speaker’s voice is always audible and appropriately expressive. Pace of the presentation maintains the interest of the audience. Language in presentation is appropriate to audience.
• Delivery techniques (posture, gestures and eye contact) make the presentation interesting, and speaker appears comfortable.
• Central message is clear and consistent with the supporting material.
Emerging (70-79)

• Speaker’s voice is generally audible with some expression. Pace of the presentation is natural. Language in presentation is appropriate to audience.
• Delivery techniques (posture, gestures and eye contact) make the presentation understandable, and speaker appears tentative.
• Central message can be deduced but is not explicitly stated in the presentation
Beginning/Not Demonstrated (<69)

• Speaker’s voice is inaudible or lacks expression and pace of the presentation is halting or too fast to understand. Language in presentation is not appropriate to audience.
• Delivery techniques (posture, gestures and eye contact) detract from the understandability of the presentation, and speaker appears uncomfortable.
• Central message cannot be deduced.
Professional Written Communication
4 pts

Professional Written Communication

Advanced (90-100)

• Grammatically correct prose appropriate for a professional business audience

• Successfully utilizes complex sentence structures

• Articulate and sophisticated prose
Competent (80-89)

• Minor grammar or punctuation problems, but the sentences generally make sense

• Repetitive simplistic sentence structure (i.e., subject + verb + object)
Emerging (70-79)

• Grammatical problems but overall meaning of sentences not totally obscured

• Prose not reflecting an understanding of standard English

• Prose is conversational

• Writing detracts from the professional presentation including first person, imprecise language (e.g., it), adjectives without nouns to modify (e.g., this is…), or contractions (e.g., don’t) appear several times.
Beginning/Not Demonstrated (<69)

• Prose largely incomprehensible

• Major grammatical and punctuation problems

• Major syntax problems at the sentence level.



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