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iRubric: Research Project Proposal rubric

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Research Project Proposal 
Research Project Proposal With Thesis Statement
Rubric Code: R4A9B
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12, Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Science Research Proposal

4 pts


3 pts


2 pts


1 pts

No Credit

0 pts

Project Description


Very clearly described project; The project is directly tied to a current and relevant issue, gap, or flaw that exists in the field of knowledge surrounding the topic. The project makes sense and seems manageable and reasonable to carry out.

Clearly described project; The project is directly tied to a current and relevant issue, gap, or flaw that exists in the field of knowledge surrounding the topic. The project makes sense and seems manageable and reasonable to carry out.

Project is somewhat clearly described. The project ties directly to a current or relevant issue related to the topic, however there may be some confusion about the reasonableness of carrying out such a project.

Project description is there but is confusing; not quite sure what issue is being addressed; not quite sure what the project is designed to do.
No Credit

Project is not described.
Objective of Your Project


Very clearly stated objective; The intent of the project is clearly to improve current practice; enhance knowledge; or to make a positive difference in the field.

Clearly stated objective; The intent of the project is clearly to improve current practice; enhance knowledge; or to make a positive difference in the field.

Objective is somewhat clear; The intent of the project alludes to improving current practice, enhancing knowledge, or making a positive difference in the field.

Objective is listed but it is confusing; cannot be sure how the intent of this project is going to make a difference.
No Credit

No clear objective stated.
Background and Significance


Excellent background information given to clearly confirm the issue, gap, or flaw relating to the topic. Ample current evidence/statistics presented to justify the significance and relevance of the topic to merit further study.

Background is somewhat clear and concise to confirm the issue, gap, or flaw relating to the topic. Some current evidence/statistics presented to justify the significance and relevance of the topic to merit further study.

Some important background information is missing; There are some issues in clarity due to limited statistical or informational evidence to justify this as a significant issue.

Major portions of the background information is lacking; very unclear as to why this is a significant and relevant issue in the field today.
No Credit

Background information is missing.


Clear list of methods; well described plan containing all essential information to showcase the steps planned for carrying out your project (e.g. resources, materials, 5-w's, project steps, methods for collecting data, etc.)

Somewhat clear list of methods; there is a plan of action; the plan contains most of the information to showcase your steps planned for carrying out your project.

Some major details may be missing in the methods sections, but a limited, yet sensible, plan is presented.

Major details missing from the methods; Plan is not reasonable.
No Credit

No methods section is presented.
Data Collection


There is a very clear plan for collecting and displaying data as your project is carried out. It is clearly evident that the data to be collected serve a purpose important to your research and will be analyzed to draw conclusions about your study.

There is a clear plan for collecting and displaying data as your project is carried out. It is clearly evident that the data to be collected serve a purpose important to your research and will be analyzed to draw conclusions about your study.

There is a plan for collecting and displaying data as your project is carried out. It is somewhat evident that the data to be collected serve a purpose important to your research and will be analyzed to draw conclusions about your study.

There is a limited plan for the collection of data as your project is carried out. There is confusion as to how the data will be used to draw conclusions about the success of your project.
No Credit

No thought given to data collection; and how the data are essential to determining if the project successfully meets the objective.
Works Cited/Bibliography


Excellent and appropriate resources are listed where you may draw from for your research/project; consistent APA formatting; at least 15 resources are listed.

Adequate resources are listed; consistent APA formatting; at least 10 resources are listed.

Insufficient list of resources; some errors in APA formatting; less than 10 resources listed.

Improper referencing, not completed and/or few (less than 6) references listed
No Credit

No works are listed in your 'Works Cited/Bibliography' section (this section does not exist).

  • Social Sciences; Science



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