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Collaborative Assessment Made Easy With Innovative Tools

Case study: Collaborative Assessment Made Easy With Innovative Tools

iRubric makes accurate evaluation of subjective tasks simple, efficient and convenient for individuals and groups. Collaborative assessment no longer requires piles of paper or precise scheduling for large groups of evaluators; with iRubric, the assessment process is conveniently digitalized. For The Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, Inc. and The Community College Foundation, iRubric streamlined their evaluation processes.

Using the eCommunities and Assessment features of RCampus, Missouri FCCLA was able to conduct online evaluation of student competitive event projects. It worked like a charm! Thank you so much for this wonderful service!

Ms. Hollingsworth

Multiple Evaluators Conveniently Assessing Large-Scale Events

FCCLA is an in-school student organization with nearly 7,000 chapters and national membership exceeding 225,000. It emphasizes the importance of family while preparing students for future leadership roles. The organization hosts many competitive, educational events at local, state and national levels which require assessments from numerous evaluators.

The Missouri chapter of FCCLA sought a method to streamline the collaborative assessment process; the evaluators needed a way to conveniently and efficiently assess large-scale student presentations and projects. Christine Hollingsworth, supervisor and state advisor of Missouri FCCLA, was excited to discover that iRubric met FCCLA's needs. Using iRubric, the FCCLA staff was able to evaluate online, anytime, from any location. iRubric's intuitive design made it easy for multiple evaluators to assess individual projects.

Saving Time with Efficient Evaluations and Automatic Analysis

iRubric allows users to develop a custom rubric which is instantly distributed to evaluators. Grading the rubric only requires a few mouse clicks. After the data is in, iRubric instantly accumulates the multiple evaluations and presents the outcomes in clear visual representations. With iRubric, FCCLA was able to simplify the otherwise complex evaluation process and keep their data organized. "Using the eCommunities and Assessment features of RCampus, Missouri FCCLA was able to conduct online evaluation of student competitive event projects. It worked like a charm! Thank you so much for this wonderful service!" exclaimed Ms. Hollingsworth.

Providing Everyone with the Opportunity to Participate

The Community College Foundation also found that iRubric simplified the collaborative assessment process when preparing for the annual Technology in Education Conference & Exposition (TechEd), a non-profit program which brings together educational technology innovators annually. Maureen Julian, director of TechEd events, was responsible for organizing the meeting date and time that the TechEd's board members would meet to evaluate numerous conference proposals. Unfortunately, scheduling conflicts and travel requirements made it difficult or even impossible for all board members to attend and participate in the evaluation process.

Those issues were resolved with the introduction of iRubric. With the electronic assessment system, every board member was able to evaluate the conference proposals at their convenience, from any location. In addition, iRubric saved Ms. Julian time and effort by automatically calculating the evaluation results. "Before, I had to manually tally the scores which was very time consuming," she recalled. "iRubric is absolutely the more effective method."
